Nick Vujičić u Banjaluci

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Sportska dvorana „Borik“ bila je ispunjena do posljednjeg mjesta. Banjalučani su 27. oktobra 2019. godine po prvi put dobili priliku slušati inspirativni govor Nicka Vujičića u svom gradu.

Svjetski poznati motivacioni govornik istakao je zadovoljstvo što je posjetio Grad na Vrbasu, te zahvalnost što može da podijeli svoju priču. Istakao je da poznaje naš region i njegovu istoriju, te naglasio da mu je čast da bude ovdje.

Kompanija Prointer ITSS ponosna je što je bila generalni sponzor jednog ovakvog događaja. I u budućnosti ćemo zajedno sa našim sugrađanima učestvovati u kvalitetnim kulturnim sadržajima.



Press release


Infinity International Group and its members strongly condemn the decision of the Office of Foreign Assets Control at the US Department of the Treasury to impose sanctions on individuals and...


Prointer IT infrastructure days 2024


It is with great pleasure that we realized the fourth consecutive IT Infrastructure Days 2024. This year we gathered a large number of experts from the industry in order to continue the tradition of...


Employees of the company Prointer ITSS realized a New Year's humanitarian campaign


Driven by the holiday spirit and humanity, our company's employees joined together to make the lives of those who need it the most better and easier. Through the New Year's humanitarian campaign, we...

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