Press release

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Infinity International Group and its members strongly condemn the decision of the Office of Foreign Assets Control at the US Department of the Treasury to impose sanctions on individuals and companies that work and do business within our group.

It is a continuation of the attempts at political manipulation that we have been exposed to for several years in Bosnia and Herzegovina itself in order to damage our business reputation and try to threaten successful business in the markets of several countries.

Today's move by the American administration only confirms that the only goal is to challenge the value, credibility, successful projects and quality of our work with the aim of shaking the trust that we have created and justified with our business partners over the years. Sanctions of this format are, first of all, an attempt to hit more than 800 highly educated workers who create new value every day and contribute to a better economic environment throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Also, it is clear that this is an attempt to open space for competition from the energy and IT sectors to have a stronger influence on the market.

Because of this, we will be forced to take all legal steps to protect our business and the reputation we undoubtedly have in our business community.



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