Business intelligence: a BI consultant knows how to get it

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Logic, analytics, "capturing" details, patience - among other things, you will recognize a good BI consultant by this. Translated from English, BI is, in fact, business intelligence, and a BI consultant is someone who turns it all into a system by which companies manage their data in the best possible way and create their business reports.

Creating such a system first of all implies that the BI consultant and his team studied the client's business processes in detail and, based on all available data and information, designed how to make his business reporting as efficient as possible and in the service of making the best business decisions.

When all that is added up, it is not surprising that mathematicians do well in the position of BI consultant, as evidenced by Tanja Gromilić, BI consultant at the company Prointer ITSS, a member of the Infinity International Group.

By entering the BI world with a diploma in mathematics and computer science, Tanja, as she says, made an excellent move - mathematics helped her with logic, analysis and drawing conclusions, and computer science brought technical knowledge. All of that perfectly fit and united in her position and in the company where she acquires new knowledge every day.

"The BI consultant deals with business reporting, that is, creates a system for clients on the basis of which rather heterogeneous data about their business will be unified and thus easier to manage. Therefore, it will be easier and more efficient to create reports and have a better overview of the business. This is exactly the problem with some clients - they often have data from different business systems, and this is a way to have them all in one place," explains Tanja.

This is exactly why the work of a BI consultant is specific, because it does not focus only on certain segments and processes, but on the entire business, and this is exactly why you need patience and analytics.

"Each client is a story in itself and with each one you have to go through the complete business process, because you have to look at how a certain system functions and what data is most important to them. Depending on the client, it sometimes takes months, and most often it is a question of large enterprises and companies. In fact, BI is mostly used in large systems with a large number of employees, and that's why it takes a lot of time to study everything, and only then create a program," says Tanja.

This observation and study leaves a lot of space for the BI consultant to learn and improve, especially in a strong, domestic company where teamwork is important and where you always have someone to ask for help and advice.
"At Prointer, I first had a mentor with whom I worked and learned everything I know. Now I am independent, but if I run into a problem, there is always someone who will step in and help. I think that's how I imagined working in a serious company and I'm very happy that I'm doing something that I find myself in. I believe that I will stay there and continue to improve", says Tanja and reveals that the key factor in choosing a job was good communication with people and the exchange of knowledge and experiences.

He notes that the IT sector is an excellent place for work and training, which offers new opportunities and possibilities every day. This is evidenced by the fact that people from different professions have found their place in information technology, so among Tanya's colleagues there are also economists, spatial planners, and lawyers.
As far as her sector is concerned, it has one special characteristic – all six members of the BI team at Prointer are women.

"It is possible that ladies are particularly comfortable with it, precisely because this job requires a lot of precision, and often the details are at stake. It seems to me that we are leading the way," believes Tanja and at the same time encourages future male colleagues to join them.



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