What a system engineer can do?

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If you imagine any bank with data on customer balances and loans, or a healthcare institution that keeps data on its patients for years, it is clear to you that there is no room for error in such systems.


This is precisely why there is no room for error even in the position of system engineer in an IT company. His job description is quite demanding, because he performs constant monitoring and maintenance of hardware and software components of the IT system, creates and constantly improves security procedures taking into account the functional and security aspects of the environment.


All of this implies careful and detailed planning, designing and creating IT solutions, maintenance and improvement of server and data storage equipment, as well as installation of system services.


It sounds complicated, says Boris Gluvić, system engineer at Prointer ITSS, a member of the Infinity International Group, but when you decide to be an engineer, in his case electrical engineering, you know that maximum precision and responsibility will be an integral part of your job where even the smallest must be evaluated the risk to the client's data and the availability of services offered to him. All that, then, becomes routine, explains Boris and admits that, in addition to that routine, the system engineer must constantly follow new technologies and trends in the IT sector.


"The system engineer deals with projects of server infrastructure, storage and virtualization infrastructure, software solutions that integrate all this and enable, for example, banks, telecom providers, public institutions to offer services to citizens through applications and services. All this is carried out on some platforms, and the system engineer should provide not only a platform with sufficient performance, but also a sufficiently reliable one.


So, these are systems that manipulate very important and sensitive data, and it is up to us to enable such data to be safely stored and kept. That's why we say there is no room for error," explains Boris.


In fact, there is no room for assumptions in his work, because nothing should be based on them. That's why, as he says, you don't get into business without all the necessary and precise data, precisely in order to avoid mistakes.


"If there is even a minimal risk for the client, another term for the works is considered, because data security is always in the first place. Here is a small example - imagine that a bank loses data on clients and amounts on accounts," says Boris.


Speaking of precision, in 2008, when he enrolled at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Banja Luka and when everything was different and less accessible in the world of information technology, he did not imagine that he would be doing exactly this job. After several years in that job and almost two at Prointer, he admits that he wouldn't change it. A domestic company where there is a team atmosphere and where you can always rely on your colleagues, plus the possibility of constant learning and improvement through certificates and cooperation with world brands in the IT field, are a winning combination.


"I was a lover of technology, but also mathematics and physics and I didn't really see myself in this profession, but after this experience I can say that it is an extremely interesting job. The most important thing is that our company works with the most modern technologies - everything that appears as a novelty, software versions, hardware models and devices are also available to us. It seems to me that in this profession, in addition to medicine, we have the fastest opportunity to deal with what appears as a technological novelty in the world," says Boris, who progress in the IT field explains with another, of course, precise example.


Namely, an amount of data is generated every year that is greater than the total amount of data generated for all previous years, and all this data requires resources and a place to store it. Just take your cell phones from 10 years ago and now….


The question - will such a large amount of data "suffocate" us? Boris, he says, considers it philosophical, but he also has an answer to it.


"15-20 years ago, our parents protested that we watch too much Sega Mega and the like, their parents protested that they watch too much TV, and we blame the children for looking too much at their phones... That's how it goes, but the fact is that is all about us and the way we use information technologies. They can suffocate us if we allow it and if they become an obsession, rather than a tool that will facilitate and improve the lives of all of us. What kind of tool it is, is best evidenced by Prointer's e-Baby project, which is gave every parent the opportunity to get complete documentation about their newborn very quickly and easily, instead of visiting different locations in the city for days," explains Boris.


The possibility to create such tools at home and in a domestic company and, in this way, influence the life of the entire social community, Boris considers invaluable. That's why, despite the great competition and the outflow of personnel, he decided to stay on his own.


"My environment in which I grew up, family, friends, business environment where I have great colleagues means a lot to me. I like living here, even though I had offers from large, foreign IT companies", Boris does not hide it and sends a clear message to some future IT experts message - and here you can do anything you can imagine.



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