




The diversity of projects and technologies in Prointer ITSS puts us in the ranks of the most desirable companies to work. Large enterprise systems or small projects of several days will surely intrigue the imagination of any developer. Our team is expanding and we are looking for people who will recognize the challenges, a good work environment, the possibility of promotion, certification for different technologies, conference visits, mentoring and systematic learning, and upgrading the competencies of each team member. We want to be the best team and have the best individuals. That's why we do our best to accomplish this.

Business expansion and job creation encourage market development and strengthen our company by creating a team perspective, experienced and dedicated professionals. Become a part of an incentive work environment in which every day offers opportunities for learning and improvement. Applications and inquiries can be sent to


Projekt menadžer za softverske projekte

PROINTER ITSS d.o.o., zbog povećanog obima posla u Banja Luci, raspisuje konkurs za radno mjesto Projekt menadžer za softverske projekte.   Opis poslova: Upravljanje većim brojem projekata; Planiranje,...

23.12.2018 Oglas istekao


SAP BI Konsultant

PROINTER ITSS d.o.o., zbog povećanog obima posla u Banja Luci, raspisuje konkurs za radno mjesto SAP BI Konsultant   Opis poslova: Konfigurisanje SAP BI; Podrška krajnjim korisnicima; Ispravljanje grešaka...

23.12.2018 Oglas istekao


Softver inženjeri (Developeri za Java, C# i Microsoft...

PROINTER ITSS d.o.o., zbog povećanog obima posla u Banja Luci, raspisuje konkurs za radno mjesto Softver inženjeri (Developeri za Java, C# i Microsoft tehnologije) .   Opis poslova:  Projektovanje i izrada...

23.12.2018 Oglas istekao


Diplomirani ekonomista

PROINTER ITSS d.o.o., zbog povećanog obima posla u Banja Luci, raspisuje konkurs za radno mjesto Diplomiranog ekonomiste   Potrebne kvalifikacije i edukacija: VSS ekonomskog smjera; Napredno poznavanje...

23.12.2018 Oglas istekao

Smart-city Smart-city